June 9, 2011

Home Visit

Today was the day! I cleaned and sorted, and cleaned and sorted some more for days. I should have just been cleaning and not sorting, but because I was cleaning, I kept finding many things for our yard sale in August. I had a mess on every level of the house!

The day didn't start off so well. If our SW was here when the kids were getting ready to leave for school, she would have said, "This family (the mother of this family) is not capable of parenting any children!" I was yelling at J for doing something that he does that drives me nuts, and I said, "I am going to cut your hands off and rip your tongue out of your mouth!" Haha! Yes, I did say that! And then I laughed at myself and said "Oh, my! If M, our SW, were here now, she'd say no way am I going to approve you to adopt another child! Just so you know - J knew I was only kidding!

Today was the kids last day of school. They got out at 10:30 a.m. I was racing around the house trying to finish everything up and I knew I had to mop the floor before they got home, so at 10:30 when I just started mopping, the kids are coming in the front door! Grrr!

Then I had a conference call for work. It normally only lasts 15 minutes at the most. I can put the phone on mute and not worry about background noise. Well, it was an unusually long call, and the kids are hungry, and then the dog starts barking like mad. I had to run to the basement and shut myself up in the laundry room because it was the end of the call and when the boss says your name, you have to say what's been going on the past week. I just knew he was going to say my name while the dog was barking! The dog never stopped barking and I finally realized the guys were here to haul away our old freezer and I had to let them in the garage. How was I going to do that if it was my turn to talk? I was sweating up a storm! Thank goodness I was able to give my brief summary, mute the phone, and run upstairs and sign the paperwork without anyone on the other end knowing I was having a nervous breakdown!

Finally, it was time for M to come. She was here promptly at 2. The only room of the house she asked to see was the bedroom where Winn would be sleeping! She didn't want to see our clean bedroom, or T's clean room, or any of the clean bathrooms, or the semi-clean basement. She did want to look at the gate around the pool and told us it wasn't secure enough. Other than that, I think we passed.

We're still working away at the paperwork. Seems like there's something new every day. It will be such a relief when it's all complete and stamped and in China, with no questions asked!

So looking forward to summer vacation starting tomorrow.

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